So many little stores to buy clothes at, don't start buying too early! Explore alittle first before making your first purchase as there are similar things everywhere and so many to choose from.
Yes, this is THAT Gangnam. It’s busy most all the time and easy to get distracted by all the shopping. Pro tip: go to the Shinbindang level for a large painting of PSY.
Also known as a hotel on Saturday nights where some decide to catch zzzzs before they can go home again at 6am. Don't forget to mark your territory with soju bottles.
If you’re not into that, the coolest stuff is inside the station itself where there is a massive underground shopping area. This is one of the best places to buy those famous Seoul socks.
Impressive how huge gangnam is. That's the only reason why I not sure I actually like it. Don't underestimate it! It's as big S New Jersey probably....
Two of the biggest and most popular underground shopping centers are in Gangnam Station (Line 2), & Gangnam Underground Shopping Arcade (located at Express Bus Terminal Station, Line 3, 7 and 9).
Kangnam is NOT a recommendable place for sightseeing unless you want to shop or club or get crunked. Overcrowded. Boring. You'll only get to see people, people, and people.
나이들고나서는 잘 가지 않는 곳. 너무 북적거리고 시끄러워서.. 하지만 술값이 싸게 나온다. 동네사람보다 외부인들이 더 많은 것 같다. 집이 가까우면 택시를 태우지 않는 모진 곳이다. 수지 분당 용인만 태우려고 택시기사들이 작정을 하고 주둔하고 있다. 집이가까운데 택시를 타고싶다면 여의도요! 라고해서탄후 전화받는척하며 급히 장소가 바뀌었다하면 된다.