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Claire's avatar
Claire:Visit Cherry Hill in late afternoon, walk across Bow Bridge over to the Ramble and watch the sun set over the Westside.
Central Park
· Upper East Side
Remy's avatar
Remy:Monet, Matisse, Chagall, Schnabel and Kline all under the same magnificent roof. Don't misss out!
Museum of Modern Art
· Upper East Side
Dens' avatar
Dennis:Start with a caprese or arugula salad. Try the vodka pizza. Thin crust, delicious vodka sauce, and perfect for sharing.
· SoHo
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Dens' recommended venue
Central ParkArt MuseumUpper East Side
Dens' avatar
Dens: Visit Cherry Hill in late afternoon, walk across Bow Bridge and watch the sun set.
Remy's recommended venue
The Dead RabbitCocktail BarFinancial District
Remy's avatar
Remy: Check out the seasonal cocktail selection on the second floor. Delicious scotch!.
Claire's recommended venue
Jack’s Wife FredaMediterranean RestaurantSoHo
Claire's avatar
Claire: Great for dinner. Try the skirt steak sandwich and zucchini sticks.

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